Concert Ukulele Mahogany 23 inch with Ukulele Accessories,5mm Sponge Padding Gig Bag,Strap,Nylon String,Electric Tuner,Picks
- Hand Crafted Mahogany body,rosewood fingerboard and bridge,makes bright and transparent sound,bringing good hand feeling when you playing.
- Smooth and accurate chrome-plated guitar style tuning pegs keep your ukulele always in tune.
- 18 Brass Frets with Fret position Marks at 5th,7th,10th,12th and 15th frets on neck and top of fingerboard.
- High Quality at Low Price,it is your best choice.Easy to learn and play Solid Wood Ukulele.Perfect for beginners,kids,and adults,easy to carry and hold.
- Concert Ukulele with 5mm Sponge Gig Bag, adjustable Strap (various colors), High-quality Nylon String, Usage Method of Tuner, guitar picks (various colors).
Andy M Johnstone
Great set! My son especially enjoys the electronic tuner
Great set! My son especially enjoys the electronic tuner. Very affordable price. Comes with a nice carrying case too.
Thet Myat Noe
Great Intrument
I bought this not knowing if I'd like playing a ukulele, after getting it I fell in love with it! I decided to upgrade, but this uke sounded just as good as other more expensive name brand ukes so I decided to just keep this one.
Regina Lehnen
Great Gift
This was a great Ukulele for my Grandson! Hopfully it will be the start of a very musical life!
Derek Hall
Great price and value
I bought this on a flash deal. What a great value. Stays in tune and I love it! Ukes are the trend. Easy and fun. Very easy. This is one of the best deals I got on Amz
Andy Kovesdy
Thank you.
My daughter & I are beginners and this ukulele is just right. Thank you.
Vickie Osborne
Amazing for begginers!! Feels great for a cheap price! Totally worth it and would buy another one!
Debbie Hill
Perfect for beginners
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Elizabeth Shaw
Great item. I love this ukulele so much
Great item. I love this ukulele so much. They did send me the wrong Volvo but I think that is a good thing because this one is much prettier.
Steve Alcorn
Tunes easy, and will keep the tune.
I tuned this uke, and was pleasantly surprised at the quality, and how well it took and kept the tune, I purchased two different ukes at the same time, and this one was only 5$ more then the other, and this one is far, and away the better sounding, and quality uke. The other will be going back and another will be purchased.
Elizabeth Navarro
Great for beginners. Product came in time. Has a nice mellow tone. You have to tune it constantly for it to hold its tune. The tuner is very helpful.