Daily Scorpio Horoscope July 01 (01/07)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

July 01


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 7/10

The cosmos appears keen to encourage you to enjoy a brief period of self-assessment. This could manifest as you feeling abandoned by those whom you were expecting more support from. In truth, you havent been abandoned or deserted. Theres something about yourself that you need to discover for yourself and time spent alone enjoying your own company can make this possible.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your instincts and feelings both need to be trusted now. Regardless of levels of optimism and positivity making their way into your world, you could be inclined to err on the sides of pessimism and negativity in the belief youre protecting yourself in some way. Its by connecting with and listening intently to your inner voice that you can gain reassurance and comfort you need. All really is not as worrisome as it seems, so smile.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

The coming week could encourage you to assess what youre getting in return for going the extra mile for a certain person or organization. You know youd move Heaven and Earth if necessary if it meant you could be integral to ensuring someone felt safe, comfortable or secure. Yet, you might understandably be assessing if your efforts are truly appreciated or stand a chance of being reciprocated. Dont pull the plug just yet. Even a glimmer of appreciation might be enough for you to continue.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

Partnerships will likely be the focus this month and an arrangement can become sweeter. A deeper or possibly more formal commitment is likely, bringing you and a certain person together in a stronger and possibly permanent way. A Full Moon on the 9th coincides with a surprising and potentially unwelcome financial development but once tension subsides, youll deal with it swiftly and easily. Identifying a shortfall in your knowledge or skills could see you considering training or studying. Its never too late to brush up on a skill or learn a new one!


health scorpio daily

Star 9/10

You have the determination and persistence to succeed in whatever you take on. Don\t allow your inner fears to dominate. Today\s planetary configuration asks you to look at your needs and to assess whether they are respected in the schedule you keep. Do you have healthy food in your fridge and cupboards? Are you able to consistently exercise and get a good night\s sleep? Your health needs dictate the daily schedule you should follow.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

The current astral configuration gives you added strength in looking inward and taking stock of your health habits to determine if they are serving you or not. Assume an attitude of inquiry, but suspend judgment. What does your diet need in order to improve your overall well-being? Copious amounts of drinking water? More fresh fruits and vegetables? More minerals, more vitamins? Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. The power is in knowing!


health scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

This is the ideal time to examine your lifestyle and figure out how you can improve it. You\re fired up now, so use this opportunity to embrace changes that will not only help you feel better all around but also improve the balance between work and rest. You might have to be very firm when dealing with those bad habits.


health scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

You might want to explore philosophies that include diet or exercise options this month. With a strong focus on your belief sector, you could feel like making some radical changes. It\s important to eat right for your body type, so before you commit to a new eating regimen, be sure that it will support you so you can accomplish what you need to do to keep your life on track. Uranus continues through your wellness sector, so you\ll likely be attracted to alternative ideas. The main point is to focus on those things that will benefit you and stick with them.


love scorpio daily

Star 8/10

The current celestial configuration makes tonight\s date quite an occasion. You will be in one of your more sociable and truly delightful moods. In this frame of mind you can make a joke out of absolutely anything, and can turn apparent disasters into triumphs of mirth. The only slight cause for concern is that you may spend so much time giggling that the conversation never really gets off the ground.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

You can achieve miracles today, especially with the current planetary influences. This is partly due to the fact that you feel in such a good mood, but also because a loved one is also in top form. Take this opportunity to expand your minds, and do something fun and educational together, especially if it helps to improve your relationship in any way. Broaden your mutual horizons.


love scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

You love to be mysterious, but you can\t help but leave little hints and clues for your secret crush to find in the beginning of the week. If they figure it out, are you going to come clean? Only if it\s on your terms. You love a good challenge over the weekend, so if someone doubts your sexual prowess, you immediately want to prove them wrong. Perhaps that\s what they\ve wanted all along.


love scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 4, leading you to become defensive rather quickly. Like this is something new. Is it possible someone is just trying to get to know you, or are you convinced they\re trying to access your darkest secrets? Either way, you don\t have to say anything you don\t want to. A Sun/Saturn opposition on July 15 urges you to learn from past mistakes. If you don\t, then you\re almost certainly going to repeat them. Why go through the hassle twice? A New Moon in fellow Water Sign Cancer on July 23 empowers you emotionally. Congratulations! You\re ready to take the next step.


career scorpio daily

Star 10/10

Embrace your tremendous talent as a leader. Do not sit silently in the background, knowing that a task should be done a different way. This is a fantastic time for you to be more vocal and demonstrate your strengths regarding the project at hand.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

You will be caught in a tough spot in the workplace today - stuck in the middle between two sets of people who think they\re right: your superiors and your co-workers. It seems that the person in charge isn\t paying attention to anyone else.


career scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

You may feel an especially strong desire to express yourself now. Confidently move forward with new ideas. Be open to feedback. Work-related travel and legal matters will be productive. Pay close attention to financial details. This is a positive time to create or review budgets. Decisions you make now can have a lasting impact. Avoid getting involved in office politics. If you\re looking for something new, don\t be afraid to network in unusual places. This is a lucky time for seminars or working with progressive groups.


career scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

You could be paid a bonus for your hard work and dedication around July 9. Part of you will think you deserve even more money for your contributions. Instead of complaining, look for bigger and better employment opportunities. A rival company will be happy to meet your salary demands. By July 23, you could have a chance to do some business travel. Being in a new location will stimulate your creativity and strengthen your problem-solving skills. This is a great time to sign a new client. Learn as much as you can about your destination before leaving for this trip.



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